Apart from the physical complexity of cargo management, dealing with the rules and regulations of the customs authority is a very critical part of the entire shipping process.
Thankfully we have a team of professionals with years of experiences and expertise in handling proper documentation, calculation of required duty, VAT, Tax and excises, and leave you the hassles of dealing with multiple layers of authority in ensuring the process is well taken care of.
- Proactive notification of cargo arrival to the client
- Document delivery within 1 working day
- Cargo delivery within 3 working days
- Hassle free customs clearance under any situation
You benefit from our experience in delivering effective solutions to the complex global supply chains of some of the world’s biggest corporations.
You benefit from every innovation, whether it involves a simple extension to our Air and Ocean Freight products, whether it means a development in warehousing.
All of which explains why you’ll find the team of outstanding support at TransCargo ready to apply their passion for solutions in support of your business.